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Satellite internet service providers in Asia Pacific.

Asia satellite broadband forum

Satellite dish pointing for India

Dish pointing: south east Asia

Dish pointing: Australia and NZ

Satellite services in Canada, USA, Caribbean and South America Satellite in Europe Satellite in Africa Satellite in Middle East Button with arrow on map of Asia

Service via direct two-way customer premise terminals is technically possible throughout Asia following a maturing of the technology and building of teleport hub dishes by satellite internet service providers.

Fast web downloads, email, ftp file transfers and streaming video and audio are achieved with burst rate bit speeds of 1 - 10 Mbit/s, using a share of a high bandwidth connection from a large hub station with a rate of up to 65 Mbit/s. Capacity is generally  shared.

Services for home-office application have higher sharing ratios, but are much lower cost than services for business users, where dedicated or low ratio sharing is the rule.

Service providers have tariff options for various "up to" service bit rates and download amounts. Email and internet web browsing are the usual intended use. If you need substantial data transfers or real time two way video or VoIP ask about higher price options.

There is no charge for details to be listed here on this page on sub pages per company. If your company is interested please tell me.  It's free of charge to have details here, but note that details may be edited or deleted at my discretion. I welcome feedback from users.  If you are a potential customer, click on e-mails below for current prices and to confirm technical details.

Pakistan, India, Asia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and Pacific are covered by the beam coverage maps below.


WebSatMedia is a ICT company that specializes in providing satellite, broadcast, fixed and wireless telecommunication infrastructure and software solutions and Internet services for:

  • Internet Service Providers (ISP) to connect to the Internet backbone
  • Telecommunication carriers to carry VoIP telephony
  • Corporations that need voice, data, Internet and video communications between its head office and remote branch offices in the region
  • Hotels at remote locations that need broadband Internet services
  • Educational institutions that need to deliver on-line interactive learning and programmes to remote learning centres
  • Media stations that need to broadcast video content
  • Mobile operators to connect BTS to MSC
  • Defence organization who require mobile tactical communications between ground forces, tactical and strategic HQs

WebSatMedia have provided services to large telecom companies; Internet Service Providers; VoIP Service Providers and large multinational
companies with global offices in more than 50 countries. WebSatMedia services include SCPC, MCPC, DVB, iDirect; WiFi Hotspots and Wireless Mesh solutions.

For more details contact:

750C Chai Chee Road, #03-10 ESR BizPark @ Chai Chee, Singapore 469003

Web: http://www.websatmedia.com/

Phone: +(65) 6708 7451,

Email:  sales@websatmedia.com

VSAT Satellite in Asia from WebSatMedia
Countries served by WebSatMedia.
For worldwide teleport locations and detailed satellite beams click image to go to their website.

Lepton Global Solutions

>Lepton Global Solutions logo

Lepton Global Solutions provides customized, end-to-end satellite communications solutions for both military and commercial customers utilizing Ku-, Ka-, C-, and X-band satellite frequencies.

Example, coverage using Eutelsat 172A in Asia and Pacific, including Hawaii, American Samoa, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Guam, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Lepton Global's solutions include fixed VSATs, rapid deploy terminals, and COTM (communications on-the-move) systems. Solutions are available for all world regions, making use of multiple satellite beams and bringing together resources from a number of different suppliers, appropriate to the individual customer requirements. My review.

For more details contact:

Phone: +1 571-313-1256  Fax: +1 855-642-6522  Email: info@leptonglobal.com

Address: 8381 Old Courthouse Road, Suite 200, Vienna, VA 22182 USA.

Satellite beam coverages: Middle EastAfrica

Asia-Pacific coverages

IsoTropic Networks

Isotropic logo

Global coverage maps

For higher resolution details of individual Asia,  Australia and Pacific satellite beam coverages.

Fixed : Mobile : Maritime : Auto pointing : Inmarsat

  • Company Owned & Operated Teleports
  • iDirect Host Network Operator (HNO)
  • Flexible & Scalable Bandwidth Packages
  • iDirect Evolution & iNFINITY Networks
  • Installation & Maintenance Services
  • On-Demand Dedicated Bandwidth
  • 24/7/365 Technical Support

Phone:  +1 262-248-9600
Email: sales@isosat.net

W2835 Krueger Road, Lake Geneva, WI 53147

SpeedCast (incorporating Pactel since 18th Jan 2014)

Speedcast worldwide network of NOCs and Teleports
Worldwide SpeedCast coverage and connectivity

VSAT for Pacific Islands remote location
RICS VSATs for remote locations

SpeedCast is a leading global network and satellite communications service provider offering high-quality managed networks services in over 60 countries throughout Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and Africa; and a global maritime network serving customers worldwide.  With 16 international sales & support offices and 30 teleport operations, SpeedCast has a unique infrastructure to serve corporate and carriers' requirements globally.

Whether you are looking for instant connectivity to a remote exploration site or would like to consolidate your global operations under one service, SpeedCast will design a reliable, cost-effective and bandwidth-efficient solution, tailored to your specific needs.

SpeedCast enquiries:   Phone +612 9531 7555
Email: sales@speedcast.com   Website: www.speedcast.com

For Australia and Pacific Islands, SpeedCast provide a Rural Internet Connectivity System (RICS) service using SHIRON DVB-S2 ACM technology. Available on Apstar 6 and NSS9 in C band and on GE23 in Ku band. General VSAT and SCPC services are available. More details here: Pacific Satellite Broadband

RICS enquiries: Phone: + 612 9531 7555   sales@pactelint.com

iDirect services throughout Asia from ITC Global

On 30 April 2021 it is expected that this company will be under the new ownership of the "Marlink Group".

C band beam coverage map
C band iDirect coverages

Ku band beam coverage map
Ku band iDirect coverages

ITC Global operates multiple iDirect hubs, in both C and Ku band, with coverage of Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Australia and New Zealand.

They serve many enterprise clients, and also install, commission and maintain custom designed 'managed networks' for a number of clients in Australia, Africa and the Americas. With Offices in Australia, Africa, South America and the US.  They provide 24 hour monitoring and support for clients from Network Operations Centres (NOCs) in Florida and in Perth, Western Australia.

Customers include: mining, maritime, government, enterprise, defence, NGOs, oil and gas, and humanitarian and aid agencies

Contact:  ITC Global, West Perth, Western Australia, Phone +61 8 6263 0444, sales@itcglobal.net.au

BusinessCom : Internet via Satellite services for the Asia region

Satellite footprint

For SOHO, Enterprise, Internet Cafe and Calling Centers, Wireless ISP and Hot Spots, VoIP Termination Carriers and more.

No FAP, no throttling, no hidden fees, smart bandwidth management, dedicated technical support and personalized service - this is what BusinessCom services are. Features include:

. iDirect, LinkStar, DVB-S2, SCPC and FR platforms - shared and dedicated links of any possible configuration
. Ready to support business-class VoIP and Videoconferencing, VPN (IPSec), Mesh topology and more..
. Individual QoS setup per each VSAT system to make sure your own applications traffic are prioritized
. SLA with 98.2%+ annual network uptime guaranteed and more
. Immediate Spare Parts Replacement Warranty option, in-country Installation and Maintenance options
. Ability to connect with your own equipment, flexible migration deals, APO delivery... and more.
. Free VoIP phone and calls to the USA.

Contact:  vsat-satsigs@bcsatellite.net to inquire for more information and prices.prices

Bentley Telecom : STAR PRO connection and Hughes HX hub

Express footprint

Ku band on Express AM22 at 53 East: Coverage of Iraq, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgystan, Pakistan, Western India, Turkmenistan. 

Using Hughes HX VSAT hub:  98cm - 1.8m diameter according to location.  Outlink: 512-2056k Backlink: 64-256k

Special quality of service controls and advanced proprietary TCP/IP compression give much faster broadband internet downloads compared with unprocessed feeds.  The new HX VSAT hub will have adaptive uplink and downlink (DVB-S2) carriers so as to adjust and maximise traffic throughput according to dish size and weather conditions.  During clear sky capacity will improve and during periods of very heavy rain will not fail but will back down to a reliable, but slower rate.  

Contact: sales@bentleywalker.com for prices and bit rates etc.

DigitalSkys operate their own iDirect VSAT hub

NSS 703 spot beam
Spot beam service from NSS703 at 57E

NSS6 Australia coverage
iDirect VSAT service using NSS6 at 95E

They offer a high quality satellite communication service around Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Hindu Kush, Western India and Tajikstan area using the NSS703 satellite.

Australia and Papua New Guinea coverage, is provided using the same iDirect hub and via the NSS-6.

Small business, large business and military (DES) iDirect modems available. Local wireless extensions for up to 50km are available using 802 standards.

Contact: info@digitalskys.com +971 4 91 0863

iDirect and LinkStar VSAT services from Apex Broadband

Small thumbnail maps
For larger scale and more map please click on the image.

New lower cost business grade Satellite Internet solutions for Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands starting from $160 USD per month for 512/128kbps.

With 17 years experience in the Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Islands markets, they have agreements with VSAT operators to offer Ku and C-band services using iDirect and Viasat satellite internet terminals throughout the region.  Also proven turnkey system design, product sales, installations and support for 5.8GHz or WiMAX wireless products, voice-over-IP and IP-TV solutions.

Mobile land and sea based satellite broadband systems are also available.

Please contact: Tony Waters   Click to Email: t_c_r@bigpond.net.au
  +61 (0) 395 216 745    Mobile:+61 (0) 431 263 276

For more details go to the Apex Broadband web site


Sinosat service area

Sinosat-1, at 110.5 deg east, provides a high power Ku band beam with ViaSat LinkStar satellite internet connection service.  Other options include DVB/SCPC and point to point SCPC.

Although the primary coverage area is obviously China, customers are sought in the surrounding countries, from northern Pakistan in the west, to parts of Russia in the north east.  Please help them find customers.

Contact details:  Please Email them at info@sinosat.com.cn

Bentley Telecom

NSS6 Australia beam

NSS-6 satellite broadband coverage using LinkStar equipment. 98cm to 1.8m diameter antennas.

Special quality of service controls and advanced proprietary TCP/IP compression give much faster downloads compared with unprocessed feeds.

To email your enquiry click here: sales@bentleywalker.com
or phone now 00 44 239 246 3943 (ref:satsig)

Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, New Guinea, Timor, Solomon, New Caledonia but NOT Fiji or New Hebrides or New Zealand.

Satellite Internet service in Myanmar

"Seanet Technologies Myanmar" claims to offer satellite communication services in Myanmar using JCSAT-3A C band service.

JCSAT-3A C band coverage
JCSAT-3A satellite at 128 deg East, launched Aug 2006

Hughes and Comtech equipment is mentioned on their web site.


Based at Hlaing Campus, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

Phone +95 (1) 865 2280

Email: info.vsat@seanetmsc.com

Website: https://www.seanetmyanmar.com/

VSAT service in Asia-Pacific from Vizocom

Fixed VSAT and maritime mobile satellite services in Indian ocean region: Castor networks

iDirect in Afghanistan, India, Asia from Auriga networks on ABS-1

iDirect hubs and beams

Global Technologies (based in Paris)

VSAT service in Afghanistan


Orion Australia

Dish TV pointing in India

Dish TV pointing in Pakistan

Educational: details for possible India area broadband using Eutelsat W5

Hawaii Pacific Teleport for the Asia /Pacific area

One way download service in Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Explanation of iiNet, iHug and Bordernet

LinkStar hub planned for India

iDirect hub serving Asia Pacific area: Papua New Guinea, Nauru etc.

Tsunami communications

Satellite broadband service in Indonesia -Java

Aguila2 details

Have your say now.. Have a look at the comments in my Satellite Internet Forum.  Help others with advice. Contribute your own problems, successes, failures, wants, sales etc.

Please e-mail me, Eric Johnston, if you have suggestions or amendments, or wish to have your service mentioned on this page, all input welcome. If any of the above companies have ceased operating please tell me.

The setting up and control of two way satcom terminals is controlled from the provider teleport hub so any problem sites can be switched off remotely until a technician attends. Also, the equipment design and frequency bands used comply to international inter-system co-ordination and regulatory "type approval" for general use so that operation does not cause unacceptable interference to other services or continue to require individual transmit licence. Non-approved terminals continue to require an individual licence.

This page is Copyright (c) SSL 2003. All rights reserved. Last updated 25 Nov 2024.

Please note that export of certain equipment to Iran is not allowed.  Restrictions may apply to other countries, such as Russia and North Korea, according to the political situation.   Coverage areas do not imply that operation is allowed everywhere within the beam, for political reasons.

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